Call for Abstracts

We are excited to announce the Call for Papers for SASem 2025 and PLS2025, two premier conferences dedicated to advancing research and practice in Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), respectively. These conferences aim to bring together a vibrant community of researchers, practitioners, and methodologists to share insights, foster collaborations, and drive methodological innovations in their respective fields.


SASem 2025: Structural Equation Modeling in Social and Administrative Sciences

Conference Overview: SASem 2025 seeks to unite the community of researchers and practitioners who employ Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) within the Social and Administrative Sciences. Whether you are a novice exploring SEM or a world-leading expert pushing the boundaries of the methodology, SASem 2025 welcomes your contributions. Our mission is to advance SEM by fostering an environment of sharing and collaboration, ensuring that the findings and discussions from the conference will significantly influence SEM research in the years to come. Additionally, SASem 2025 is committed to emphasizing methodological rigor and setting new standards for SEM applications.

We invite submissions in the following areas:

1. Applications of SEM:

1. Highlighting best-practice SEM applications across various domains within the social and administrative sciences.

2. Case studies demonstrating the effective use of SEM in areas such as psychology, education, business, public administration, and more.

3. Interdisciplinary applications that showcase the versatility of SEM in addressing complex research questions.

2. Methodological Advances:

1. Introducing new concepts and methodological enhancements in SEM.

2. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

 (1) Advanced model specification and identification techniques

 (2) Innovations in estimation methods

 (3) Integration of SEM with other statistical techniques

 (4) Robustness and reliability of SEM in diverse research settings

 (5) Longitudinal SEM and growth modeling

 (6) Measurement invariance and multi-group SEM analyses

We invite submissions in the following areas:

1. Applications of PLS-SEM:

1. Showcasing exemplary PLS-SEM applications across various disciplines, including but not limited to social sciences, computer science, engineering, medicine, and more.

2. Practical case studies demonstrating the effective use of PLS-SEM to solve real-world research problems.

3. Interdisciplinary research that leverages PLS-SEM to bridge gaps between different fields of study.

2. Methodological Advances:

1. Presenting new concepts and methodological innovations in the PLS-SEM domain.

2. Emerging topics of interest include:

(1) Factor-based vs. composite-based model estimation (e.g., PLSc, PLSF)

(2) Development and refinement of goodness-of-fit measures

(3) Predictive model assessment techniques

(4) Longitudinal data analysis using PLS-SEM

(5) Robust segmentation methods

(6) Utilizing PLS-SEM for both predictive and explanatory research purposes

Important Dates:

Abstract Submission Deadline: March 31, 2025

Notification of Acceptance: May 15, 2025

Full Paper Submission Deadline: June 15, 2025

Conference Dates: July 28-30, 2025

  Workshops: July 28, 2025

  Main Conference: July 29-30, 2025

Submission Guidelines:

  Abstract Submission: Authors are invited to submit an abstract summarizing their research. Detailed submission instructions and deadlines are available on the respective conference websites.

  Full Paper Submission: Selected abstracts will be invited to submit full papers for presentation at the conferences.

  Review Process: All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the highest quality of presented research.

Conference Structure:

  Workshops (July 28, 2025): Engage in intensive sessions focused on hands-on training, methodological deep-dives, and collaborative projects to enhance your SEM and PLS-SEM skills.

  Main Conference (July 29-30, 2025): Participate in keynote speeches, paper presentations, panel discussions, and networking events designed to foster collaboration and innovation within the SEM and PLS-SEM communities.

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