Prof. Jun Hwa (Jacky) Cheah
Dr Jun Hwa Cheah (also known as Jacky Cheah) works as an Associate Professor in Marketing and Head of Research for the Marketing group at Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia, UK. He received his PhD from Universiti Putra Malaysia and has supervised numerous MSc and PhD students. He is actively engaged in research focusing on digital marketing, service technology, data analytics, statistical modeling and research methodology. He currently serves as an Associate Editor, Editorial Board member and Guest Editor for several journals, including a Lead Guest Editor in Tourism Management. He has authored more than 120 manuscripts in journals such as the British Journal of Management, Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, Business Strategy and the Environment, Internet Research, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, International Journal of Hospitality Management, among others. He has an h-index of 55 and a citation of 22,800 on Google Scholar. He is currently in the Top 2% Most Cited Scientist in 2023 and 2024 Stanford’s List. Many of his published articles focused on methodology, one of his papers in the European Journal of Marketing (Title: “Predictive model assessment in PLS-SEM: Guidelines for using PLSpredict”), has attracted considerable attention as evidenced by the high citation counts (over 3000 citations up-to-date) since its publication in 2019. The article is ranked #1 in Shugan’s Top 20 Marketing Meta-Journal, also known as Most Cited Marketing Articles worldwide. He is also a recipient of the Emerald Young Researcher Award in 2021, awarded by Emerald Publishing.
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Prof. T. Ramayah
T. Ramayah, is currently a Professor of Technology Management, School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Visiting Professor Daffodil International University (DIU) Bangladesh, Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pengurusan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Faculty of Economics and Business, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Honorary Professor at the University of Jordan and Adjunct Professor at Sohar University (SU), Oman, University Center for Research & Development (UCRD), Chandigarh University (CU), India, Sunway University, Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU), Azman Hashim International Business School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Faculty of Business Management, AIMST University, Malaysia. He was also a Visiting Professor King Saud University (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), Minjiang University (China), and Adjunct Professor at Multimedia University, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), and Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Malaysia previously. He has an h-index of 123 and citation of 63,252 in Google Scholar and i-10 index of 591, his h-index in SCOPUS is 73, with 20,841 citations while his h-index in ISI/Clarivate is 59 with 13,275 citations. He has taught courses in Statistics, Operations Management, Research Methods, Forecasting and Computer Literacy at undergraduate level. He has supervised numerous PhD/MA/MBA students in the fields of Information Systems, Technology Management, Operations Management, Marketing Management and Organizational Behavior having graduated 101 PhD student, 18 DBA students and 9 Master students. He is also currently supervising numerous students at the MA and PhD levels. He is a trained Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis instructor having attended training’s by Professor Joseph Hair (Kennesaw State University), Professor David A. Kenny (University of Connecticut), Professor Gregory Hancock (University of Maryland), Professor Everarda Cunningham (Queensland University of Technology), Professor Christian Ringle (University of Hamburg) and Professor Jorg Henseler (University of Twente) and Professor Marko Sarsted (Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg). He has conducted Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) workshops in Malaysia, Australia, China, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand and India. He has also conducted workshops in UUM, UKM, UTM, UiTM, UMK, UMS, UNIMAS, USIM, UMT, UNISZA, UTEM, UMP, UPM, UTHM, UTP, INTAN, Universiti Poly-Tech Malaysia (UPTM), Sunway University, Monash University, Curtin University, Taylors University, Linton University, INTI International University & Colleges, Nilai University and Polytechnic Colleges in Malaysia. He has also conducted trainings for research centers like Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) and Techno-Economics Research Unit, Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB).
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Prof. Wen Lung Shiau
Wen-Lung Shiau received his MS in Computer Science from Polytechnic University, New York, US, in 1995 and the PhD degree from the National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan, in 2006. He is a professor in the Department of information management, Chang Gung University. He has published 80 journal papers and many highly cited articles in the Web of Science and Top 1% by citations/field in Clarivate Analytics (ESI). His current research interests include data analysis, marketing, and E-business. His papers have been published or accepted in Internet Research, IM&DS, Scientometrics, IT&P, IJIM, EJIS, DSS, I&M, among others. He is also on the 2019-2021 Stanford University’s list of top 2% most-cited scientists in the world.
His full profile can be accessed from